The Raven is a major figure in our creation story; being part Human and part Raven, and is seen with a raven's beak. According to our oral traditional stories, the Raven made the world, brought light and was the creator of many landforms seen to this day, including mountains, rivers, and islands with beats of its wings. One day there was a raven flying through space and he thought to himself, “I’d sure like to rest. I’ve been flying for infinity, I’d really like a place to rest.” As soon as he thought that, snow began forming and collecting on the ravens expansive wing until the ravens wing tipped over, and was large enough for him to land on. But it was dark and cold.
The Raven then said to himself, “I have to have light. I need to see.” The raven began to tap its beak on the ground, where a plant with a light formation inside of it sprung from the ground. The raven grabbed the bright object from the plant and flung it to his side, becoming the sun. As soon as the sun had set later that evening, the raven again procured a plant with a fainter glowing bulb, and created the moon.
That is how the Raven created the universe.